Shops, also known as Market, is a Gaia Menu Bar feature.
This landing page is accessible by the third tab on the menu bar. The layout shows information relating to a shops and marketplace.
There are a set of bonuses for those who want to collect items and currency. In the header is the 'Daily Treat' tv and 'Cash Tree'; which takes users to a page to watch a video advertisement to receive Gaia Cash. And to the right of the these is the Daily Chance machine.
Gaia Menu Bar[]
Left side
Get Items
- Shops Directory - get stuff for your avatar
- Cash Shop - buy premium items with gaia cash
- Rococo - Goodies from the (not so) distant past
- Mecha Neko - Fabulous finds for the thrifty spender
- Genkimix - Real life Gaia merchandise
- Mix10 - Shop all things cute and fantastically fun!
Right side
More Items
- Deals & New Items - Find new items, and discounts
- Premium Items - look your best with amazing items
- Marketplace - gaia's user-run auction house
- Flynn's Plunder - bid to win rare items at super low prices
- GoFusion - Fuse charms into awesome items!
- Alchemy - turn formulas into items
- Trade - exchange items with users
Shops Tabs[]
At the very top of the page is another menu bar where user can access:
- Shops
- Marketplace
- Item Search
- All Listings
- My Store
- Sell an Item
- Outfits Shop (beta)
- Sell an Outfit
- Flynn's Plunder
- Premium Items
- Chance Items
- Evolving Items
- Monthly Collectibles
- Trade
Left side
Below the tabs is a image of a shops exterior; by default it is the Map:La Victoire.
In the middle of the image is large 'Enter' button.
Right side
The shop directory list the shop names, types, and their selling point.
See also: Gaia Shop
To fill the bottom of the page, there is an advertisement for Gaia Cash and a directory to Avatar Talk Forum, Monthly Collectibles page, Evolving Item Museum page, and Get Gaia Cash.
Feature timeline[]
- Month date - Announcement of feature
- Month date - State what happened
Feature Items[]
Other items[]
- Daily Treat / Cash Tree
- Gaia Cash
- Daily Chance
- Gaia Gold / Gaia Platinum
- Gaia Items
Additional info[]
Site feedback[]
Work In Progress
Technical issues[]
Site & Forum
- Work In Progress
Flash space
- Work In Progress
- Work In Progress
See also[]
External links[]
- Landing page Market
Announcement forum
- Topic TopicName - Posted: Posted
Feature forum
- Topic TopicName - Posted: Posted
Staff notices
- Topic TopicName - Posted: Posted