Umm, am I supposed to know you? Character article work in progress.
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Umm, am I supposed to know you?

[NPC] Edy is a Gaia NPC that has ties to a sponsorship. He is a denizen of Aekea and the former shopkeeper of Edy's Autos.



Edy is an adult male human with black hair styled into a pompadour, brown eyes, and medium skin. He dresses like a 60s young male, wearing a red jacket, checked (or white) neck-wear, black pants, and gray shoes.

He is seen mouthing holding an Alruna's Rose.


Work in Progress


Work in Progress


Edy was introduced with the Gaia Cars feature sponsored by Scion which further hints that he was a sponsor-only character. His current whereabouts are unknown and Sam has long since taken over the auto shop. In an 'Ask the Admins' thread a user questioned about the character only to get a response by an NPC that they could get no response.[1][2]



Additional info[]


* Work in Progress


Hey, are you lookin' for a car? Well, partner, you've come to the right place. You're lookin' at the finest selection of quality vehicles in all of Gaia, and I'm just the guy to sell 'em to ya. Ol' Edy will always give you a square deal!

Bargains is my middle name! I legally changed it, see. Used to be "Arthur".

I'm havin' a heck of a day. I sold 28 cars, and I found an uneaten peppermint under the seat of a trade-in! I'll be dinin' in style tonight.

My prices are as low as my hair is high!

See, I'm livin' proof that not all car dealers are sleazy.

You know where that "new car smell" come from? Me. It comes from me.


Work in Progress


  1. Topic Ask the Staff - 24 January 2017 - CLOSED - Posted: Albern Puppy Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:16 pm pg1
  2. Topic Ask the Staff - 24 January 2017 - CLOSED - Posted: Galexa Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:43 pm p15

External links[]

  • Profile - LinkHere
  • GSearch - LinkHere
  • Topic Hit the road with Gaia Cars, brought to you by Scion! - Posted: [NPC] Moira Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:17 pm

