A month is a period into which a year is divided. A period of 30 days, 31 days, or some alternation thereof.
In the Gregorian calendar there are twelve months:[]
- January
- February - Valentine's Day
- March - St. Patrick's Day
- April - April Fools' Day / Easter
- May
- June - Summer
- July - 4th of July / Summer
- August - Summer
- September
- October - Halloween
- November - Thanksgiving
- December - Christmas
- On February 18, 2003, Go-Gaia was born. In 2013 its tenth anniversary was celebrated.
- April 20 - 30th, 2004, Go-Gaia changes to Gaia Online switching the URL to gaiaonline.com.
- June 24, 2003, the Donation Item, Angelic Halo is released, it was the first collectible.