
Mascot can be viewed as a representation of a feature or subject on Gaia Online.


Types of Mascots[]


  • NPC:Admin is Gaia Online's all purpose Administration bot. She handles random tasks from announcements to informing the user that their item has been sold.
  • NPC:Stein is a male character that was created to collect glitch reports about Evolving Items. His arrival was announced on Gaia was in October 2009.
  • MsTransaction was a mule created in 2004 by DARKNRGY (a Developer). She was specifically made for reporting Marketplace bugs. Although it is unknown if she was useful with this task.
  • NPC:Gaia-tan is a Chance Item released in May 2009, found in the Item:Gee Boi Turbo, she is Gaia Online's Moe anthropomorphic avatar.
  • [[>NPC:Gaia-sama]] is a Chance Item released in August 2009, found in the Dark Reflection, she is Gaia-tan's Alternative Universe counterpart.
  • Gaia-kun is a Cash Shop item released in December 2009, found in the "Gaia Gaia Party Time!" item with Gaia-tan.


  • NPC:Rock Puppy is considered the original mascot of Gaia, and was originally located on the front page of Gaia Online mainly in 2003 and onward.
  • Moobie was a hamster creature that use to occupy the Homepage in 2003 and 2004. Its likeness was used for the creation of the Item:Hammi Hat. The story behind Moobie's presence on the homepage was said to be a tribute to the deceased pet of one of Gaia creators, but this not confirmed.
  • Item:KiKi Kitty Plushie is a Monthly Collectible released on March 2005. Kiki's image is used for many of Gaia's merchandise.
  • Item:CoCo Kitty Plushie is a Monthly Collectible released on October 2005. Coco's image is used for many of Gaia's merchandise.



  • During 2004, Gaians started a project called, Forum-tans project. This community creation was an attempt to create various personified characters based on Gaia's main forums. A manga by Sushi Database Studios was spotlighted in the announcements during Summer 2k7: Summer Festival.


External links[]

  • Topic Summer Fest News: Event Prizes, Salon Update, Item Contest! - Posted: [NPC] Cindy Donovinh Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:56 pm
  • Topic Forum-tans: All that and maid outfits (GCP THREAD OPEN) - Posted: Skepticowl Sun May 27, 2007 3:12 am
  • Topic Forum-tans: All that and maid outfits - Posted: Skepticowl Tue May 29, 2007 10:34 pm
  • Topic 2k7 Summer Plot : SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!!! (Part 2 COMPLETE!!) - Posted: AF-tan Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:30 pm
  • Topic Move over old Gaia-tan. Meet new Gaia-kun! [with art] - Posted: Super Awesome User Sun May 31, 2009 5:52 pm