Limited Quantity Item is a Gaia Online Gaia Item.
A Limited Quantity Item (LQI) is a Premium Item available in limited quantities 'for that extra air of mystique' . They are stocked shops certain shops and the amount released are visibly counted and sold in real time. The La Victoire was the first to stock these items but they have since been stocked in other shops such as Loyal's Bazaar and Cloud 9. They were first introduced during the 2013 Black Friday Sale—and according to the announcements these items are guaranteed no direct rereleases for six months after destock. However, there are exceptions with recolors and derivatives of destocked items. The recolors and derivatives are treated just like an original limited item and will follow the six months policy unless otherwise noted.
Types of Items[]
- Limited Quantity Item - Will be known as the primary name on the Gaiapedia. Released for a limited item and quantity.
- Human Item - These are Limited Items created for the default Human Avatars, released in 2013 December.
- Paw Item - These are Limited Items created for Animal Avatars, released in 2014 February.
- Limited Quantity Bundles - Chance Item Bundles that are Limited Quantity Items available for a limited time and quantities. They contain certain amount of sub-chance items and exclusive recolors. They were released in 2014 May.
- Project Editions - These are items designed by Gaians who have used 'Project Chance Items' that contain special tickets that are rare to obtain, they allow a Gaian to design their own item for the Cash Shop. Other types give Gaians the ability to recolor any current item, become a Shopkeepers apprentice, devise a sale, or even an Event. These were released in 2014 March.
- Limited Quantity Item have a yellow sparkle
- The stock counter is presented in descending order, meaning it starts from the highest number and goes down from there.
- It is unknown if that once the six months have passed if the restocked item has its counter reset or continues where the amount sold left off. The continued counter was only seen during the Black Friday sale.
- According to a GCD thread, the Detached Demoness stands as the current quantity item to have been sold out on its first release.[1]
- During the Summer Sale 2k14 some previous items had not reached their six month date, this resulted in Gaians criticizing the staff for not keeping their policy. So later announcements during the sale included limited items that were stated to not be released again for 2 whole years.[2]
External links[]
- Topic The Black Friday Sale has begun! - Posted: [NPC] Jet & Cygnus Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:40 pm
- Topic Flash Sale and Limited Quantity Item - Posted: [NPC] Jet & Cygnus Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:36 pm
- Topic Summer Sale Limited Quantity Items - Posted: Princess Angelishia Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:48 pm
- Topic LQI Policy - Posted: Zero Omega Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:14 pm
- Topic Custom Tickets Update - Posted: Zero Omega Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:03 pm