
Housing Item is a Gaia Online Gaia Item.


A Housing Item is a Gold Shop Item which is used for the Gaia Homes feature. These items are available from The Faktori, although some Housing Items can be obtained through Random Event Items and Daily Chance. There are times when premium versions are obtained by Monthly Collectibles or Events.

Types of Items[]

  • Tiles - These items equip to walls and floor areas.
  • Furniture - These items furnish the home areas.
  • Wall - These items equip to the walls by being doors or shelves.
  • Lighting - These items light up areas by being lamps or light fixtures.
  • Misc - These items range from electronics, plants, and foods.


  • Housing Items don't have a sparkle unless they are premium based.
  • Housing Item sets have been released in themes.

Related content[]


External links[]

