Advance Chance is a Gaia Online Gaia Item.
Advance Chance items are giftboxes that contain Chance Item containers. The Advance Chance allows purchasers the opportunity to possibly obtain the next months item hours before its release to the general public. These act similar to the bundle packs, releasing up to nine containers. They are commonly stocked when the previous CI is unstocked.
The announcements of these items are by NPC:Ivan, who will give hints as to the next Chance Item theme through various venture talk.
On the Gaiapedia this container is counted as a Bundle Item- but without the categorization.
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of [MONTH]'s mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release. You can't open it yet...
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of [MONTH]'s mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release. / This box feels a bit heavier than usual... (November 2013)
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of [MONTH]'s mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release, plus one enhanced CI! / The seal feels weaker... (June 2014)
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of [MONTH] mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release. The seal feels weaker...
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of [MONTH] mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release. You can open it now~
Within the box lies a bundle holding 9 of July's mysterious CI that can be opened before the general release, plus one enhanced CI! / You can open it now!
- Chance Items have a rainbow sparkle
- The November advance was 20% off for the duration of the month, making the cost 799 Cash.
- The December 2013 advance brought the release of two types of Chances. Both were on sale for 25% off making them 750 Cash each.
- The August 2014 advance was given a x25 bundle priced at 1999. When on sale for 20% off, it became 1499 Cash.
External links[]
- Marketplace tags Chance Item
- Marketplace tags Premium CI